Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As a sequel to my previous blog (or is it prequel?), this blog is dedicated to 2012's accomplishments.  See 2011's list here.

  • Quit working fast food
    • One of my unspoken resolutions last year was to quit working at the fast food restaurant that I'd been working at for nearly a decade.  ACCOMPLISHED!  
  • Get new job
    • Of course, I couldn't quit working fast food without acquiring another job, which I did.  I currently work for a communications company, and I love the job thus far.  It is really nice to be able to come home from work and not smell like greasy french fries.
  • Graduate with my bachelor's degree
    • It only took 7 years after graduating high school, but I finally did it!  Granted, I didn't go to college until after I'd been out of high school for 3 years, but it's an accomplishment of which I'm proud.
  • Concerts
    • This year my awesome fiancee took me to see my most favorite band ever(!!), the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  It was amazing.
    • I also saw Ani Difranco, again.  And because of Ani, I discovered a new band called Pearl and the Beard.  PATB opened for Ani, and they are wonderful!  Can't wait to see both of them again.
    • I also saw the Avett Brothers again, but this time my awesome fiancee scored us tickets right at the stage!  It was a good experience.
  • Got engaged!
    • Speaking of fiancee.... =) this wasn't really a goal or accomplishment of mine, but I'm pretty stoked about my wedding in May =)
  • Bought a new car 
    • This also isn't really considered an accomplishment, but I bought a new car- dubbed Sonja the Sonata- in order to help my parents out with some financial difficulties.
  • Ran a 5k!
    • I'm not a big runner, but I ran my first official 5k in August.  I didn't do as well as I liked, but I'm still proud of myself for sticking to it.
  • The hellion started kindergarten.
    • I know this isn't really my accomplishment, but I think it's an accomplishment for my growth as a mother. =)
  • Went on a family vacation to Destin, FL.
  • Had some new and old friends come back into my life.  (This is a common occurrence throughout every year, and it always makes me sad when people go out of my life.)
A small list, but a list nonetheless.  I rock! =)

New Year optimism that we all seem to have at the moment

Happy New Year!

From what I recall, I've officially survived TWO end of the world theories (Y2K and the Mayan calendar crisis), which means I'm pretty freaking badass, or I'm in hell and just haven't realized it.

Anyway, it's time for my obligatory 2013 New Year Goals list, which I'm sure you all are tired of reading on all those other social media websites.  Nonetheless, I give you mine!

  • Blog more
    • I know I say this several times throughout the year, but because I'm officially out of school and only working one job, I've decided that I need to dedicate more time to updating my blog.  It truly is a stress reliever.
  • No cussing!
    • This is a goal I created for myself midway through last year.  While I certainly don't cuss as much as I used to, I haven't completely quit yet.  I can say that I haven't cussed at all this year thus far though! =)
  • Drive a manual
    • Every boyfriend I've ever had has told me they would teach me how to drive a stick shift.  Well, every single boyfriend never showed me. I started learning how to drive a manual on Thanksgiving, but I haven't completely mastered it yet.  Mainly because I don't have access to a stick shift car, although my bestie Dara just bought a five speed, which I fully intend on using to complete my goal.
  •  Posture
    • This was my new years goal for 2012, and suffice it to say that I only corrected my posture when I thought to =/ so, again, I am making it a goal for 2013, especially since my wedding is in May and I don't want to walk down the aisle looking like a hunchback.
  • Read one book a month
    • I've joined a local book club, but I haven't actually begun to read the books assigned, mainly because a lot of them I don't care to read.  I know, I know! Reading books out of my preferred genre is what being in a book club is all about, but I promise I'm going to get to it.  In addition, I've decided to read an additional book per month, one of my choosing.  I know that I'll probably read more than 2 books per month, but in order to fulfill my goal, this is my plan.
  • Start grad school in August
    • This is another reason why I only plan to read  two books per month.  I'm a little nervous about grad school, and I don't want to be too bogged down.  I decided to wait until August to start so I can take a break and not be stressed with school and planning the upcoming wedding.  It's going to be weird not being in school, but I think it's a weirdness that I will gladly welcome...for the time being.
  • Stop using credit cards so often
    • I've never been one to avidly use my credit cards as a source of payment, but I would still like to tone down using them.
  • Start writing in cursive.
    • This is something I stopped doing around the 8th or 9th grade.  I would like to take up the habit again because I think it is a dying art form, and I recently found out that they stopped teaching cursive in schools.  This makes me sad for some reason, so I would like to pursue it once more.
  •  Save $2000.
    • My awesome friend LC had a goal last year to save money, and she surpassed it!  Her excitement at doing so inspired me to try and do the same thing.  I don't know if $2000 is realistic or not, but I think it's a good start.  
  • Thrift store shopping
    • I realized while shopping for my 5 nieces and nephews during Christmas that department store shopping is just too expensive, so I've decided that next year I'm going to do all my clothes shopping at the thrift store.  I already shop at thrift stores, and I enjoy doing so, so I don't think this will be a feat too big for me.  I hope not, anyway.
And I saved (what I think) are my biggest two goals for last:

  • Go running for 5 days/week.
    • This is mainly I goal I chose to help me lose weight for my wedding, but I want to continue it throughout the year.  I absolutely hate running, and I already pretty much know that when Aunt Flo is in town I won't go, but I think it is a good goal I've set.  I ran my first official 5k last year, and I would like to beat that time and maybe run a few more 5ks this year.
  • Speak Spanish fluently.
    • I've always had a passion for language. This passion was further pursued in high school when I began to take Spanish.  When I first started college, I was a Spanish major.  Disappointingly, I've taken over 5 years of Spanish courses, and I am still not fluent in the language.  So my goal this year is to reacquaint myself with language and to become fluent in it.  
 So there you have it, folks.  My obligatory New Year Goals.  I wonder how long it'll be before this optimism wears off....


Monday, October 22, 2012

T minus 208

208 days until my wedding.  As the day draws closer, I'm getting those wedding jitters that I suppose every soon-to-be married person gets.  House hunting, financial planning, etc. has set my brain whirling.  I feel more of an adult now than I ever have in my entire life; yes, even more so than the day the hellion was born.  These nerves will not get the best of me, however, because I plan on accomplishing everything I have my mind set to and then some.  I've always prided myself on my determination, and I have no intentions on letting my pre-wedding jitters get the worst of me.

Which leads me to the reason I'm writing this blog:

I am determined.  I always have been, and I always will be.  I credit this to my parents and watching their struggle to raise four kids on a very limited income.  While some may view my parents as weak, I view them both as strong and proud.  I have picked up these attributes and additional attributes through the years.  One such additional attribute is my love for exercising and staying fit through other various activities.

Today was the first day in a long time that I actually had a real workout.  By "real workout" I mean one where I actually lifted weights instead of just going to the gym and doing stationary cycling for an hour so I could catch up on my reading assignments for school.  While I enjoy stationary cycling and the chance to read uninterrupted for an hour whilst also doing a beneficial exercise for my body, my love for exercising has always been with free weights and challenging myself to improve  and move up with the weights.  I haven't had a chance to do a real workout lately because I've been so frazzled with school and work and most importantly, the hellion.

I am not one to put up with people whining about their problems.  And by no means am I trying to toot my own horn here, but I've been going to school full time, working full time, and raising a kid for the past 4 years.  In August, I acquired a second job.  So yes, since August I've been working two jobs full time, going to school full time, and raising a kid.  I've managed to keep all As during this time, and fortunately, both jobs allow me to have the same off days (Tuesday and Thursday, which just so happens to be the same days I have class from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.), and on those off days, when the hellion and I get out of school, I make sure to spend quality time with him.

Needless to say, I'm EXHAUSTED.  But I'm not an idiot; I know that I've chosen to put myself into this situation.  Why?  Well, because frankly, I'm an English major who has been working the same job throughout my high school and college careers, a job in the fast food industry for the past EIGHT years.  Leave it to say that my resume isn't too impressive to most potential employers, despite the fact that I've had a consistent work history.  So I went out and found another job, though not in my future career choice. 

Now, I totally went off on a tangent to say this:  with my hectic schedule, of course I had to let something go.  First, it was my taekwondo classes.  Then it was the gym, despite that I bought and paid-in-full a year's membership.  Everything that had to do with my fitness and exercise was cut from my list.  The weight I lost during the first half of the year slowly crept back into my body.  It didn't help that I wasn't watching what I was eating.  But then again, when you're on the go from sunup to sundown, it makes it harder to monitor your diet.

None of this was more evident to me than this past Saturday, when I had a bridal luncheon with my bridesmaids.  We went to David's Bridal to order their bridesmaid dresses, and I got measured just for shits and giggles.  My measurements on Saturday were 35 & 1/2 in the chest, 31 in the waist, and 38 in the hips.  Not a big deal to some of you, but at my greatest healthy weight loss, I was down to a size 2. So I know that getting back down to a size 2 is not unreasonable.  My body was healthy at a size 2 since I was working out constantly, and I felt more confident that I ever have in my life.

After I completely stopped working out in August, I talked with my friend Steven, who agreed to begin working with me at the gym in January so I could feel confident in my wedding dress for the wedding in May.  Because of this agreement with Steven, I completely dismissed every picking up a free weight again--until January, that is.  AND I WAS FINE WITH THIS PLAN.  Why?  Because I told myself that my crazy schedule didn't allow time for me to work out anymore.  So I decided to wait until January to hit the gym full time (since graduation is in December and I plan on quitting my fast food job then also, I would have more time to dedicate to the gym).  Well, the other day I was on the phone with Steven, who was once again giving me a pep talk about working out.  He told me, "If you want to look good badly enough, you'll MAKE the time."  This is coming from the guy who lost some 60 odd pounds in 35 weeks in order to train for a body building competition.  (He won second in the competition, though I personally feel, from looking at the pictures, that he should have won first.)

So after Steven's words, and after my shocking body measurements from Saturday, I had a revelation.  I CAN make the time, I just have been using my busy schedule as an excuse.  So I've decided to stop making excuses and to get my ass back in the gym.  Today I woke up early, for starting my day at the gym is my favorite way to begin the day, and I went to the gym and did a real workout.  I've found my fitness determination again, and I don't plan on letting it go.  Whether or not I get down to a size 2 is up to me, and I plan on at least losing a few pounds before the wedding in May.

I hope this blog post doesn't make me sound obnoxious.  I know some people would feel that way by listening to someone complaining about not being a size 2.  But I'm doing it the healthy way, just like I did before.  See this post for proof.  I know it can be done.  I did it, and Steven lost all that weight (for body building competition purposes) in 35 weeks!  It can be done.  So the next time I want to complain about this, I'm going to read this blog post for inspiration.  And let's not forget the endorphins sent to the brain after a good workout.  It is a  good probability that said endorphins are the reason I wrote this extremely long blog.  So get out there and do it!

The point I'm making by saying all this is that you do what you have to do.  Some people have no determination to succeed in life, others, like myself, do have that determination.  And despite the odds stacked against them, they will do whatever it takes, no matter how much sleep lost, to succeed.  

I will do what it takes, the healthy way, in order to succeed in my life goals.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Addition & Subtraction

A lot of new things occurring in my life as of late. 

Most importantly, I got NEW (second) job!  If you didn't already know, I've been working in the fast food industry since high school.  It's a job that paid the bills and didn't distract from my studies.  I'm grateful for the job, but it's time to start slowly breaking the tie I have to it.  One of my goals is to have a new "better" job when I graduate with my bachelor's degree in December (definitely before the new year, 2013).  While at this new job I am only making minimum wage, it is definitely more relaxed and professional than my fast food job, and I have opportunities to rise further up the ladder.  I love everything about the job, so far.  Then again, I've only been working there for a little under a month, so we'll see how it turns out, perhaps a year from now. I don't know what's going to happen after the wedding next May, considering that Chadrick and I are planning on relocating.  Anyway, I have no intentions of quitting this second job, although it has proven tough to work two jobs and take care of the hellion and go to school full time.  Staying completely busy is not an alien concept to me, considering that I've been on the go practically since the hellion was born.  It's a role I fit well =)

In addition to a new job, I also got a new car!  I love everything about my new car.  I think it is more "me" than the Honda I bought last year.  While I was a bit overwhelmed at the luxury of the inside at first, I've become adjusted to it. I have dubbed her "Sonja the Sonata."

I've noticed that more and more people are tying the knot. This is something to which I've never before paid attention.  Am I looking more closely now because I'm soon-to-be married myself?  Because I'm older?  Because I didn't care before?  A combination of all three (and more)?  Of course all these weddings have opened a whole new world for me in wedding planning, what I originally wanted and what I now want.  Chadrick and I have decided to do a book themed wedding (he loves me, doesn't he?), complete with a flood of ideas from various wedding planning websites.  I'm really excited about everything coming together for the wedding.  We have all the major necessities taken care of, with the exception of the caterer and the dj.  Everything else has been decided, so the only main concern is the little things such as getting everything and everyone together for programming purposes, and, of course, the actual "bringing together" of all these small details.  So much preparation for one day!  But it's a challenge that I've taken on and won't let it get me down.

A few weeks ago I started my last semester as an undergrad!  I graduate on December 14th and am so excited!!  I've developed a very mild case of senioritis.  It's not an especially developed case, just one that makes me take a more relaxed outlook at my class schedule and assignments.  For those who don't know, a relaxed attitude about classes is a RARE thing to me.  There's just something about your last semester as an undergrad that does it to you.  What can I say?  I'm still going to make all As. =)

While there have been new additions in my life, there have also been a few things I've taken out of my life.  One of these things is a childhood friend.  A situation arose last weekend that made me upset and sad for said childhood friend.  I'm not going to go into extreme detail, but I hope that she doesn't ever have to learn the hard way who her real friends are.Maybe one day this burnt bridge can be rebuilt.  I hope so, anyway.

Another thing I've given up, at least until after December, is taekwondo.  I can't remember if I've already stated that in a previous blog, but here ya have it.  It's not that I'm not enjoying taekwondo, it's just that I don't have the time for it, especially now that I have a second job.  I took the hellion out of taekwondo also.  He wants to try other sports and activities, and unfortunately my finances and availability don't always agree.  Maybe after December he can, like me, take on taekwondo again.

The biggest thing that I've let go from my life is my decision to attend grad school in January.  I've been in school constantly (fall, spring, and summer) since the hellion was 1.  I feel that I should take a break from school, especially with the wedding coming up in May.  I don't want to overstress myself concerning grad school AND the wedding.  While I know that I can handle both of those things at the same time, it's really just an issue of me taking some time off to enjoy myself more.  Grad school can wait until Fall 2013.  I know I'll stick to my guns and go too, so it's not just something I'm going to put off and never accomplish.  My plans for next "semester" include reading as many books as possible, searching for a house in the location Chadrick and I have chosen to move to after the wedding, and working only one job.  I also plan on dedicating myself more to the hellion in his kindergarten studies.

Speaking of the hellion, did you know that he started kindergarten?!  I can't believe my baby is already a school-aged child.  Before I know it, he'll be a senior!  Sorry for the mom rant, but it really does make me sad.  It also makes me excited that I get to see this sweet little person that came from my body grow and develop into his own person.  Sometimes I have minor panic attacks at his future (Will I be a good mom?  Will he hate me during his teenage years?  Afterward?  How is he going to turn out?), but I think that is something that every parent goes through.  For now, he is my sweet little hellion.

1st day of kindergarten
Arts and crafts day at the library

Friday, August 10, 2012

Stay Together for the Kids

It's been 2 years and I had completely forgotten about this song.  Bittersweet, considering I never really listen to them.

 Blink 182- "Stay Together for the Kids"


"If this is what he wants, and it's what she wants, then why is there so much pain?
So here's your holiday,

hope you enjoy it this time, you gave it all away."

Monday, July 23, 2012

Saying "Yes to the Dress"

Yesterday I went with my mom, future mother-in-law, and two of my bridesmaids to look for my wedding dress.  I wasn't planning on buying a dress yesterday, but I found one that literally took my breath away when I saw it on me in the mirror.  We spent two hours trying on dresses, and this blog is dedicated to those dresses that didn't make the cut.  Fiancee can rest assured that the dress I chose is not in one of the following pictures.

(I hope posting these pictures isn't wedding taboo or anything of the sort....)

 This first dress was absolutely gorgeous!  It was, however, extremely heavy and since we're having a summer wedding, I didn't see it as a possibility.  It made me feel like a queen though =)

 The opposite of the first dress, this dress made me feel like a princess.  I loved it & the train, but I felt like it was a little too tight in the back area.

 Dara and Roberta picked out two "fun" dresses for me to try on.  The one on the left, which I deemed "the Taylor Swift dress," was chosen by Dara.  I felt like I was going to a prom.   The one on the right was chosen by Roberta.

 This dress is the runner up to the dress I chose.  I had a hard time deciding, but I chose the other dress because this dress didn't take my breath away like the one I chose.

The last dress I tried on was my original first choice.  I LOVED the back of it, but I thought the front wasn't as up to par; it seemed like it was a little too plain in comparison with the back of the dress.

My future mother-in-law surprised me with a great gift, and I am very grateful for her in my life.  We all went to Subway afterward for a quick lunch.  I have to be more conscious of what I eat now because I have a wedding dress to fit into!